Off with their heads! - time for our trial lawyer monuments to go

Plaintiff Trial Lawyers make act as if but are not - holier than thou.

As protesters topple monuments that symbolize white supremacy, the progressive trial bar stands proudly to the side watching. Perhaps not all applauding loudly. But as advocates for the constitution and against race based discrimination, we agree. It is time those monuments came down. For a great explanation - see Jeffrey Robinson’s YouTube “opening statement” type presentation.

Yet, as a profession we have not done much better in terms of recognizing our own worship of the long time dominant majority white male trial lawyer model.

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Cancel Culture or Bust

R: I unfriended this woman I’d known awhile. I really liked her. But she said X and I just totally disagree.

K3: So sorry to hear that.

R: I’m so different than you. I’m just so emotional. you seem to be more objective and logical.

K3: Not really but I hear you.

R: I’m just so impatient with people who have opinions that are just completely different than mine.

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Death Duck Machines for Sale:

Taking a late lunch break. Eating a salad from Veggie Grill. Looking at the paper online. Should have waited for that.

Almost throw up inside of mouth. Bankrupt ride the Ducks Seattle is having an auction. On the one hand - am proud the end result of the jury’s verdict was to shut that company down. But the thought of those death traps being sold…

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The Insult of mediation: story of a waste of time

Client has travelled from Idaho with Co-counsel.  Two different plane delays.  Epic rainfall in Seattle.  Not a joy for them.

Defense lawyer and insurance adjuster in one conference room.

Client, co-counsel, Lisa and I are in another.  We spend about 45 minutes with the mediator.  She leaves to meet with the defense.  And is gone.  For a long time.

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Karen Koehlermediation, insurance
Coming Soon: The Velvet Hammer Podcast

Cristina: Mom - the ducks podcast is a great idea. But you should do your own.

K3: That’s funny.

Cristina: You like to talk. Every video you’ve ever taken you narrate the whole thing. You should do it.

K3: Alysha, Noelle what do you think.

Alysha and Noelle: You should do it mom.

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Karen Koehlerpodcast
Dumpster diving for the Philodendrun

There were two of them lying there helplessly. Looking forlorn. Wilted. As I prepared to dump a small bag of trash apparently on top of them. I was in college. Living in a basement level studio apartment in Ballard. There was no way they would fit in my place.

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Karen Koehlerfamily
The real and true story of how I ended upon the cover of WA St Super Lawyers Magazine 2019

In the middle of the Ride the Ducks trial Beth Taylor of Thompson Reuters called and asked if Super Lawyers could profile me for its annual magazine.  She wouldn’t take no for an answer.  Ross Anderson, a freelance journalist met me over a weekend.  We chatted a bit.  Over the next few months he read the press coverage of the Ride the Ducks trial. Watched episodes on Court TV.  And even came to trial.  A good part of the article was written before the verdict came down in February of 2019.

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Jane Doe Pseudonym Is Okay in Sexual Assault Lawsuit against "Celebrity"

Today a Federal Judge denied Defendant Nelly’s motion to dismiss a sexual assault and defamation case brought by the second plaintiff I’ve represented against him. In the first case, M.G. came forward with her identity because she had already been publicly identified and reporters were calling her within hours of the allege sexual assault. She was savaged through social media by fans of the rapper and others.

We filed this second lawsuit on behalf of “Jane Doe” so the plaintiff would be spared a similar horrible public ordeal.

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