Posts tagged racism
Ugly racist targets Ed after the Charleena Lyles settlement is announced

When you champion a Black mother of 4 who is shot and killed by the police in her own home. When the City agrees to pay $3.5 M after 4 years of litigation. And even though you practice in Seattle and feel safe to be a person of color as you fight these battles. There is an ugly reality that cannot be escaped.

Shortly after our firm’s press conference - which I led and Ed spoke at with great eloquence and passion. A wretched racist - who spat with venom as he ranted - left a message on Ed’s phone…

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Karen Koehlerracism
How it feels to face white male privilege in the PI lawyer world

Well, it doesn’t feel good. After all - the plaintiff trial bar is supposed to be made up of the most progressive lawyers that there are. We are after all fighting for civil justice - a good and noble cause.

This all started up (again) 6 days ago. I noticed that the slate of officer candidates for a subgroup of a national lawyer organization that I’m in - was all male. I googled them to double check and they were all white. I then looked at the 36 names of those on the executive board and with 3 exceptions - yes. All white male. So as the congratulations began to come in for the picking of such a great lineup I wrote in: there’s a serious diversity issue.

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Off with their heads! - time for our trial lawyer monuments to go

Plaintiff Trial Lawyers make act as if but are not - holier than thou.

As protesters topple monuments that symbolize white supremacy, the progressive trial bar stands proudly to the side watching. Perhaps not all applauding loudly. But as advocates for the constitution and against race based discrimination, we agree. It is time those monuments came down. For a great explanation - see Jeffrey Robinson’s YouTube “opening statement” type presentation.

Yet, as a profession we have not done much better in terms of recognizing our own worship of the long time dominant majority white male trial lawyer model.

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Cancel Culture or Bust

R: I unfriended this woman I’d known awhile. I really liked her. But she said X and I just totally disagree.

K3: So sorry to hear that.

R: I’m so different than you. I’m just so emotional. you seem to be more objective and logical.

K3: Not really but I hear you.

R: I’m just so impatient with people who have opinions that are just completely different than mine.

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