Posts tagged equal rights
She cracked our glass ceiling: a chat with Justice Faith Ireland, ret.

Justice Ireland:

“Here’s a picture of me as the first woman member of the Washington State Trial Lawyer Association Board. It only happened because the President, John Lewis, insisted. He wanted me to be chair of the legislative committee because I had worked in the Stat senate three terms in college. I knew everyone and where all the bodies were buried. The WSTLA Board agreed with one hitch.

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Off with their heads! - time for our trial lawyer monuments to go

Plaintiff Trial Lawyers make act as if but are not - holier than thou.

As protesters topple monuments that symbolize white supremacy, the progressive trial bar stands proudly to the side watching. Perhaps not all applauding loudly. But as advocates for the constitution and against race based discrimination, we agree. It is time those monuments came down. For a great explanation - see Jeffrey Robinson’s YouTube “opening statement” type presentation.

Yet, as a profession we have not done much better in terms of recognizing our own worship of the long time dominant majority white male trial lawyer model.

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