Posts tagged voir dire
Voir Dire zoom from Hawaii

Postscript: this is from my trial diary of prophylaxis class action against seattle children’s hospital.

 Trial day 3

6:00     Cockadoodle doo.  Wake up. 

6:25     Get up and make bed.

6:45     White T. tan lulu shorts.  Pink crock slides. Pink sweater jacket picked up over the weekend once decided to stay another week.

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Zoom Voir Dire - a covid trial diary excerpt

Head over the bridge to Bellevue. Enter the parking garage. The gates are up. A sign is taped over the ticket machine. Free parking. Slide into a spot. Walk a few feet to the entrance. It is all so clean and perfect and sterile as heck. Miss the cracked sidewalks, scores of people, and general dishabille of King County Superior Court at 3rd and Stewart. Even the long and twisty security lines. We are set up and ready to zoom voir dire.

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Cancel Culture or Bust

R: I unfriended this woman I’d known awhile. I really liked her. But she said X and I just totally disagree.

K3: So sorry to hear that.

R: I’m so different than you. I’m just so emotional. you seem to be more objective and logical.

K3: Not really but I hear you.

R: I’m just so impatient with people who have opinions that are just completely different than mine.

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How Allstate made the jurors wait to start...for over 6 hours: a trial diary story

Trial day 1

Instead of doing her usual acrobatic routine, Nala is curled up around my feet.  On the little rug in front of the sink.   I glance up at the little crystal clock on the shelf.  It says 6:10 which means it is 7:10 since the clocks sprang forward Sunday.  Haven’t changed it yet.  The mental math keeps me sharp.  Or so I tell myself.

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Tone it down

Unlike what we see on t.v., silver-tongued, brash, flashy, charismatic lawyers, don't always do well in trial.  Jurors assume we have been trained to manipulate and persuade them.  They guard themselves against us.  By gosh – they aren’t going to fall for those darned lawyer tricks!

The insurance companies have figured this out.  Companies like Allstate keep stables of "in-house" lawyers on their payroll.  Though some of them are skilled.  Most of them are not.  But don't take it from me.

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Voir dire mistakes

The jurors are the ones who are supposed to “speak the truth” in voir dire.  This is not a time for attorneys to dazzle the jury with brilliant manipulative dialogue.

Of what use is eloquence?  He who engages in fluency of words to control men often finds himself hated by them - Confucius

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Karen Koehlervoir dire
Voir Dire

Here are some thoughts on how to immediately and effectively connect with a jury:

  • Stand and face the panel
  • Own the courtroom floor, don’t stand still, don’t pace frantically either
  • Maintain proper interpersonal distance, don’t stand too far away, don’t get too close
  • Don’t think of it as rocket science, think of it as chit chat…organized, focused chit chat
  • Pay attention to body language – yours and theirs
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Karen Koehlerjury, voir dire