Packing, whacking, and a sick dog

My toe is throbbing and I suppose I should tell you why.

Am also not going to edit this blog.  You’ll see it needs to be.  The p key just fell off the lapto.  In order to hit the p I have to pause and touch it just perfectly which is a real pain.  It isn’t actually a key anymore, just a little blue nub.   All missing letters will be pees.  Sure hoe Ryan can fix this in the morning.

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The Farewell Run

Run out the door, down the driveway turn left.  Am going to say goodbye to the neighborhood that has been my family’s world for the past 21 years.

It is the first bona fide over 80 degree day of the year.  6:30 in the evening.  Too hot for Nala.  Cross the street, and head into the next subdivision.  A man is power washing his driveway.  A familiar car goes by – ex-husband and his wife.  They turn at the next street.  We live close by.

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Karen Koehlerfamily
A trial lawyer's plane travel strategies.

Actually the headline is a bit misleading because it is not possible to ever actually like the process of flying on a commercial airplane – in coach.  But there are ways to make it bearable.  If things don’t go horribly wrong that is.  There is always THAT.  The element of “what if” to make things spicy.

Check in online as soon as am able.  Check to see if a better seat is available. Typically will cut things a little close when heading to the airport.  (This article won’t discuss the times have cut them too close.)  Don’t like waiting.  Bad impatient person.

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Worst lawyer speeches probably ever

How can trial lawyers be such bad public speakers.

Oh, this is a snarky topic.  Should not be critical of people who volunteer their time and talent to help others .   Is there a benefit in publicly venting in this way.  Tsk tsk.

Am here at the AAJ convention in NYC.  Sitting in seminar and am only not bored, because am engaging in self-indulgent venting.

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Running in Central Park

Am so excited to run in Central Park.  Can hardly stand it.

Out the door of the Hilton, to the left and according to the concierge, will run straight into the park.   It is gorgeous, barely muggy out and very sunny.  Weave in and out of the people strolling down the street.  Give in to peer pressure and jaywalk/jog terribly until arrive at the massive green belt.   Need to get inside.  Way is blocked by busload of Japanese tourists.  And a lineup of horse drawn carriages.  Make it inside.

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Blowing into Split and hiding from the mankinis

Phone rings at 7:10.  They haven’t unlocked our connecting door yet so it is Noelle seeing if we are ready.  Need to be in Theater to be sent out for walking tour at 7:45.   Crud.  Turn on fast mode.  Do everything needed to get ready, sharing one yard square bathroom w/Cristina.  7:25.  Realize, no time to eat breakfast.  7:30. Unpacking purse and packing beach bag.  7:35.  On mission to get up to 9th floor, get beach towels, fill water bottle and get fruit. 7:40. Discover towel stand isn’t open.

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Karen Koehlerfamily
Running in Venice

Out the door, down the cobbled street to the left a few feet, under the archway and am in St. Marco’s Piazza.   The weather is perfect at barely 70.  In honor of being in Italy,  Ipod is filled with songs from…why Madonna of course.  Starts off with Lucky Star.  Am getting in the Venetian spirit.

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Karen Koehlerrunning
The glamorous life goes to Venice

We do the math.  It will be way cheaper for us to have airport shuttle service than to leave our car.  Cristina makes the arrangements. An SUV is ordered.  Ding Dong.  Car is here. What happened to the SUV.   A white stretch limo has come to whisk us away.

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Karen Koehlerfamily
Defense Medical Exam Warning Letter to Clients

What kind of a doctor can make half a million bucks a year not even treating a patient?  Why an insurance paid defense medical examiner of course.  Not all of these docs are completely sold out.  Some actually practice medicine and do these exams as a (well paid) hobby.  But there is quite a list of not so lovely characters doing DMEs to fund their lifestyles of the rich and famous.

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The last graduate

Noelle graduated from high school yesterday.   Somewhere inside me there is a frantic primal scream waiting to get out.  It doesn't seem possible.

No more babysitters to juggle so I can go to work.
Or teachers' names to pretend to remember.
No more PTSA announcements to scan.
Or soccer and tennis games to attend.

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Karen Koehlerfamily
How does a trial lawyer take a vacation

Was at a retreat recently where we took a personality test.  Several of the questions dealt with things like spontaneity.  Are you the type to make plans in advance or go with the flow.  In other words - can you jump on a plane with a moment's notice or are you the stodgy detail oriented uptight plan everything in advance boring type.

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Deposition of a Squirmy Insurance Adjuster

The Ethel Adams case gained national attention when Farmers refused to provide insurance coverage.  It said the "car accident was not an accident" because the person whose truck hit hers, was the victim of a whacko's road rage.  Public outcry and pressure from the Office of Insurance Commissioner caused Farmers to cave.   Paul Stritmatter and I then filed a bad faith lawsuit against Farmers

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An ugly elevator

Hyatt at the Capital.  Waiting for the elevator in running gear.  Sunglasses on.  Earbuds in but not turned on.  There are four people standing waiting as well.  Two besuited, Caucasian gray haired men and two coiffed women.

The elevator opens with one passenger, a dignified African American man already inside.  In we go. Notice everyone is wearing badges that say: Family Research Council circled with the slogan Watchmen on the Wall.    Have seen many people in the hotel with these badges. Some with pastors collars on.  There are signs for the group everywhere.

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Which Way

Am hob nobbing with senators, representatives, and their aides in the other Washington.   Or rather, my friend Maria is talking to them and I periodically smile when they make eye contact.   As the morning progresses, must admit.  It is rather fatiguing - all this head shaking, hand shaking and smiling.

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Capital Mall

Take two right turns out of the hotel.  My breath catches.  Am facing the capital building.  Smile hugely.  Techno music on the ipod.  The sun is shining and it is muggy.  Negotiate the sidewalks and cross streets.  Arrive at the Capital Mall.

Reminds me of the big track around the Tour d'Eiffel.  The vast open spaces are great for running.  Try to get lost but can’t because the monuments are everywhere.  Like giant compass markers.  The Washington Monument is the first one in line.  It is tall, white, solid, symmetrical.  Massively Pristine.  Run around it, looking up but decide better keep eyes on the ground.  Lots of ruts in the path.

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Social Networking Warning Letter Form for Clients

When plaintiffs file lawsuits, the defense insurance companies hunt them down on the internet like criminals.

The plaintiffs' fun, fellowship, and joy of connecting with others through Facebook and Twitter; is instantly smashed to pieces when they find out they are being spied on.

But many people don't know that their harmless wall posts, photos, and video clips, are being amassed into an arsenal to be used against them.

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Perpetuating* radiologists' depositions

Get up at 6:00 am.   Have to drive back downtown before heading south.  Need a plan "B" in case doctors don't have access to the radiology films.  Get ready, feed and quickly walk Nala.  Write note to let the girls know she's been fed.  Wash bowl of raspberries.  Get in car 6:30.  Eat bowl of raspberries on the way.  Get to office by 7:10, run in undo alarm.  Grab computer discs, run out redo alarm.  Back in car 7:15.

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