Client hero: Lynn Hajnal

We'll never learn exactly what went through the commercial truck driver's mind.  He wanted to take a left turn.  He was supposed to yield to oncoming traffic.  But he didn't.

The front of Lynn's car crushed inwards, breaking her bones and trapping her inside.  It took 45 minutes for the fire department to finally extract her.  We shared her memories with the jury:

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The weekend

It is college weekend so Noelle's friends are out of town... visiting colleges I guess.  Her sisters are off at their own schools.  Leaving just me, Noelle, and Nala of course.

We go to the movies, out to eat, to paint-the-pottery-shop.  Watch Beyonce live. Try to dance like her (which is impossible).   Start a home improvement project.  And basically hang out.

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Karen Koehlerfamily
Words of Wisdom for Young Lawyers - Humility

Yesterday a law student from Phoenix asked for this article (written about a decade ago). 

Trial Lawyers are often perceived by the public as arrogant and phony.  This is because the art of braggadocio is so prevalent and even sometimes necessary in our profession.   Behind the show lie those memories that need to be periodically replayed so we don’t buy into the myth of our professional persona.

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Flippin' it

Everything we say can be turned around and used against our clients.  Lawyers are trained to analyze fact patterns in terms of logical progression.  A leads to B which results in C.  We think if we're logical that's good enough.  But many of members of the public don't believe a thing  lawyers say.  According to various polls, we are one step above or below used car salespeople and politicians (no disrespect intended).

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Karen Koehlerjury
The Fragile Egg Plaintiff (and a bad poem)

The "thin skull" or "egg shell" plaintiff stems from this English case.

“If a man is negligently run over or otherwise negligently injured in his body, it is no answer to the sufferer’s claim for damage that he would have suffered less injury, or no injury at all, if he had not had an unusually thin skull or an unusually weak heart.”

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Initial meeting with wrongful death survivors

Your loved one is killed.  You cannot function.  You cannot stop crying.  You cannot stop thinking about your beloved.  Your world seems like it is ending.

On top of this, there is an awareness that someone may have caused this death.  Your loved one was killed not because of war or because of an Act of God.  Death came too soon because someone did something either negligently or on purpose.   And it is not right.

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