Dear Grandma - thoughts on your legacy

Dear Grandma.

I only knew you through my mom who lost you when she was 14. She idolized you. I spent many hours looking at the handful of photos she had of you. Starting with the one where you stood next to Gong Gong on you marriage day. You never smiled in your pictures. I wouldn’t have either if my marriage had been arranged.

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Karen Koehlerwomen, diversity
Happy covid holiday - solitary style

Last night was rough. Spend three hours looking up everything that possibly exists about omicron, isolation, transmission, and dying. Lie in the tub for two hours. Which is a world record. As I head for bed, think: well maybe this is my last night on earth. May not wake up tomorrow.

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humanKaren Koehlercovid-19
The story of my incredible immune system, 2 vaccines and a booster.

Wake up happy. Have been back in Seattle 4 days after 10 spent in Manhattan. Went to a Bach concert at Lincoln Center. Saw Wicked on Broadway. Two movies at the theater up the street. Italian dinner with my neighbors. Ran around Central Park every morning before work. Bliss.

We’ve finished our year end work for the firm partnership. I’ve given the great news to all the associates. Will finish up telling staff today. But first - off to cookie decorating with my daughter’s family. Can’t wait to see them. Sniffle. Ignore it.

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humanKaren Koehlercovid-19
Ugly racist targets Ed after the Charleena Lyles settlement is announced

When you champion a Black mother of 4 who is shot and killed by the police in her own home. When the City agrees to pay $3.5 M after 4 years of litigation. And even though you practice in Seattle and feel safe to be a person of color as you fight these battles. There is an ugly reality that cannot be escaped.

Shortly after our firm’s press conference - which I led and Ed spoke at with great eloquence and passion. A wretched racist - who spat with venom as he ranted - left a message on Ed’s phone…

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Karen Koehlerracism