Blogging Genetics

My daughters rarely read my blogs.  At least not voluntarily.  I say - you need to read my blog it's a good one.  And they moan - mommmmmm we don't need to read your blog.  We live your blog.  I can't really argue with that. Go back three summers ago.  We are in Paris and do our own website so family and friends can follow along on our travels.  Each day I  blog, they sigh, and we upload the most recent pictures.  The night before we leave, Cristina is sick and waiting for us in the apartment (we're staying in a darling walk up in the 7th).  The other girls and I have been shopping.  We split up about two blocks before we reach home.  I go to get them jambon sandwiches, they go to get crepes one last time.

I leave the bakery, go up to the apartment and everyone is screaming and crying.  Alysha is lying on the bed.  Turns out she's been hit by a car.  She is shaken, bruised, but can move everything around.  I pack her in frozen vegetables (great doctoring I know - you are probably horrified - but we are in France for heaven's sake and I don't speak but a lick of parlez vous Francais, so we are hoping she can wait and see an American doctor). Noelle is being her little comforter.  Cristina is (sorry but no way to put this nicely - vomitting constantly and really ill).  Running back and forth between the two of them all night I can't imagine how we are going to get on a plane the next morning.  This of course, presents a great blogging opportunity - not for me, but for Noelle who is 13 at the time.  Noelle writes just about the cutest, scariest, funniest, blog of the whole trip and ends with:

"I'm never blogging again in my whole entire life the end."

I'd re-post the piece if I could, but we did it on an Apple computer and after we didn't pay the fee for a year , the internet ate it up. (postscript: other than whopping bruises Alysha got a clean bill of health from her doctor thank goodness). So you can imagine my surprise, when last night sometime around 1 am (we are a nocturnal family what I can say), I get an email from Noelle with a link to her new blog.  I about fall over. How cool is that! After this blog was posted, my second daughter Alysha returned from a three week seminar trekking adventure in Nepal through the U of W.  She brought along a journal and pen.  Her journal is enchanting, intelligent and lively.  She's typed it out along with her photos and created her own blog.  I think you will enjoy this as much as I did. This now means that only Cristina the eldest does not have a blog.  I'm going to have to go to work on her so we can be the MotherDaughterBloggingFamily!

Karen Koehlerfamily, writing