Journey to the Estes Park

Since covid entered the world, have dramatically curtailed speaking travel. But times are changing. And when the request comes in from the Colorado trial lawyers women’s caucus. I say yes. Even though Anne says: are you suuuuuurrrrreeeee. And wags her eyebrows at me.

We had just turned down Wyoming because there was no direct flight and it would have been an 8 hour trip. But this one is a simple flight to Denver which is not far away. Then an hour and a half drive to the resort. Piece of cake I enthuse. Anne gives me a knowing look.

Today arrives.

6:00 wake up because it gets light really early.

7:00 Finish partially dinking around with auction items that are coming up today. Am an auction fiend. On today’s menu - some Chinese porcelain. And old paintings for Noelle’s new (very old) house. 8 objects saved and bid on.

7:15 Get up and dressed.

7:30 Feed Nala and walk her

7:40 Help Nala into car. [She’s tentative now as her jumping ability is not always great and sometimes she misses).

7:50 Drop Nala off at downtown dog lounge

8:00 back home. Pack. Have waited so Nala doesn’t have to see suitcase. An automatic stress point.

8:30 case meeting #1

8:59 bid against 2 opponents

9:00 case meeting #2

9:35 bid against opponent

9:40 Finish packing while bidding

10:00 realize not enough time to run outside. run on treadmill and watch ep. 3 of Shrinking

10:45 get off

10:46 give up on 1. win 2

11:00 get ready

11:15 out the door

11:40 arrive at airport

11:41 give up on 2. win 1. Raise bid against opponent

12:00 get through clear

12:05 at gate

12:06 lose 1. win 1. Finish.

12:35 board on time

1:10 captain announces we are not leaving on time due to bad weather in Denver

1:45 cleared for take off

2.5 hours later which is 4:15 Seattle time and 5:15 Denver time land

5:25 off plane

5:30 text from driver - I’m late

5:33 text from me - how late

5:35 45 minutes

5:36 Sit at door. Do email.

5:50 buy bag of chili fritos and eat them all

6:30 he arrives.

6:31 Get into van thinking the entire time that if Chris Spagnoli had been there she would have pulled me out. Try to put seat belt on. Doesn’t work. Move to other side. Also doesn’t work. Look at middle. There are holes where the clasps should be. Am on death trap. And it smells like a wet dog.

6:32 We take off. Try not to be too scared. Accomplish this by talking on the phone. Facetime Cristina and watch Sophie go down the slide.

7:15 We are half way there. Despite grumpiness am overcome by the beauty. Green flat pastures and mountains everywhere. Start talking to the driver. Born and raised in Estes Park. Pop. 6,000. Tourist season 30,000. An interesting fount of information.

7:35 See an elk.

7:36 See a group of elk

7:37 He tells me stories of what the tourists say. Like: who own the elk - do they round them up. And: Where’s the park. Answer: Estes Park is the entire name of the town.

7:59 Arrive in town. Drive past the hotel.

8:00 isn’t that the hotel, I say. Oh, they gave me a different address. Call the organizer Amy. She confirms - hotel. Drive partially through town until can make a u turn.

8:10 arrive at hotel.

In all fairness it is 7:10 Seattle time. I only left the house 8 hours ago… It wasn’t the worse delayed trip have ever been on.

So why. Why do I journey like this. Only to give a speech and retrace my steps the next day.

Because it is such a great honor to be asked to teach and inspire my peers. In particular female trial lawyers. Some of whom were not yet born when I started to practice law. As much of a hassle as it always is to reach the destinations. The second I’m on that platform, it is all entirely worth it.