Livin' the Glamorous Life - Another Hollyball Tale
Photo: selfie with Nala
Wake up at 6:45. Laze around. Tonight is Hollyball. Wonder what else is on schedule. Open calendar. "9:00 a.m. hold for Court of Appeals Argument." Whaaaaaaaaaaa
Text John 7:27 - is there an argument today.
Texts back 7:29. Yes at 9:30 at first & union.
Try not to have a holy cow fit. The word "hold" on a calendar is used when we are not certain of a date so hold it until confirmed. The world hold threw me for a head fake.
Text John 7:34. Send me the files.
He does. I read them. Garth wrote them. I know the issues very well and there's not much case law. Still... brain must go into warp speed. And does.
7:55 - 8:20 - get ready, feed nala, take her potty, grab some fruit, head out, mentally bounce through issues, calm down.
9:00 - park, look at breakfast options in "fresh" deli part of lobby. Reject pre-packaged muffin idea. Go to convenience store which has lemon luna bar. Wolf it down.
9:15 - ride up escalator to appeals court. Look up case. We're number one on docket. Go thru security, let them dig through purse, high heeled booties set off buzzer. Get the once over treatment from the guard.
9:30 - say hi to Rory the defense lawyer. COA commissioner enters. We rise and begin.
10:00 - we finish. Have not broken a sweat. Enjoyed the adrenaline. The positive endorphin rush from fighting for clients.
10:30 - back at office. What else is on calendar. Take a peek. Oh great. Another set of meetings double booked. Sign this. Sign that. Draft that. On the phone with 3 computer screens going. Another typical day.
2:30 - leave. Proud of self. Goal was to leave by no later than 3. Push self out of door with a little help from Nala.
2:35 - get home. Take Nala potty. Walk up to front door. Leaves are everywhere from dratted street level neighbor's maple. She hasn't raked them pretty much all year. Which means I have to. Can't help it. Get blower out and blow them back onto her part of the sidewalk. This means they'll be back on mine later tonight. Still feel temporarily satisfied.
3:00 - throw on work out gear. Do a few more emails.
3:15 - head out door with Nala and run around wind blown neighborhood.
4:30 - back home. Holy heck. Am done two hours before hollyball begins. This is a record.
4:35 - feed nala, move laundry from washer into dryer and start a new load. Turn on Pandora funk 70s-80s channel. Loud.
4:45 - shower.
4:50 - look at clock. Still feels too early. How long can it take to get ready. Dink around.
5:15 - use hair dryer. This device is used perhaps once a month for about a minute just to get things going. Today actually dry most of hair with it. Let's discuss hair. First of all, there are going to be people at the hollyball who have spent the afternoon at the salon. My hair on the other hand, has a bit more...natural...character. As you may recall, it caught on fire last month. And I used scissors to chopped off roughly 1 to 3 or 4 inches depending upon which side was less burned than the other. In addition, Joy, the only person who has ever colored my hair, moved at least temporarily to be with her sister back east several months ago. This means hair has some silver bits and pieces floating around. Which I suppose adds to the whole holiday sparkle theme.
5:25 - hair is dry.
5:25 - 5:35 - put on some eye makeup.
5:35 - do not have a personal shopper or dresser. Am just a wee bit not a Kardashian. Have an outfit in mind. Hopefully it will work out. This does not involve a designer label like YSL, Gucci or Prada. First, comes the velvet leggings by BCBG. Have had these for three years and wear them rarely. So they're in good shape. A few months ago bought BCBG tux jacket at super sale. 90% off or something like that. Cost almost as much to dry clean as it did to buy it. To tie everything together, last week went shopping with Cristina for a sparkly top. Tried Nordstrom and other decent stores. But there was nothing quite right. Had aha moment - forget the grown up stores. Let's go to the teen stores. Forever 21 to be exact. Cristina found sparkly shirt. $12.99. So today, put it on. Its a little big. Quite low in the front. Consider tying straps up more. Looks bunchy so don't. Put on tux jacket. Sleeves too long. Tailoring would have dwarfed the purchase price. Roll up sleeps in an 80s way. Inspired by the pounding funk. Zip up velvet tassle booties. Vintage prada satin party bag have had for about 20 years.
6:00 - 6:30 - voila. Am done. Take picture. Post on FB. Steven comes to get me. Arrive at four seasons. And hollyball the night away.