Karen Koehler

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Panic before the party

Don't write out "to do" lists.  Don't want or need to see how much there is to do.  What would be the point. Besides, the lists go around and around inside my head like a pinwheel anyway.

Lately though,  have been a bit filled to the gills.  Can obsess about work when the kids are away.  But when they return - it is kids plus work.  Add to that the house remodel and have no breathing space left at all.

This manifests the day before the party.  Rush to work.  On the way from car to office, drop off some recycling in dumpster.  Also drop keys.  Can here the clank at the bottom.  Reach over trying to grab them.  Dumpster lid flops across back.  Legs dangling, waving in the air.  See them.  Can't reach them.  Am unsuccessful dumpster diver.

Walk into office and happily Mike is right there in the kitchen.  Tell him dropped keys and he gets a tool and goes to fish them out.  Don't realize it at the time but dropped keys are an omen.

Go straight to deposition.  Cristina calls to go to lunch.   Need to get Alysha's birthday present on the way.  Drive to store.  Buy present.  Go to Red Robin.  Noelle is not happy with me.  She is on break from school and waiting for my call.  Call and wait for her to get back to me.  Mommy Lawyer Guilt sets in.  Put brand spanking new iphone in purple case on lap to make sure hear it when rings.  Eat lunch.  Get up and drive back to office just in time for second deposition.

Am getting ready to leave office to go to the conference room when realize.  Don't have iphone.  Whaaaaaaa.  Look in purse and coat.  Dump purse out.  No phone. Forgot it was on lap so wouldn't miss Noelle.  Must have stood up and dropped it.  Call Red Robin.  No phone has been left.  Yeah right.  Call Cristina.  She will go back over there to find it.  She goes back.  It is gone.

Which brings us to the day of the party.  Have crossed it off on calendar.  DO NOT BOOK ME.  Have 2 dozen people coming to house that we've only been in for a week.  Jon the builder arrives at 7:15 and is working on the fireplace which won't be done for another week but at least is no longer a hole in the wall.  Dust is flying.

Am checking email, writing preamble and conclusion sections for the two summary judgment responses (that Paul and Garth wrote).  The ones Grinches Nick and Dale filed the friday before Christmas Eve.  Have to make fruit salad, buy desert, find a gluten free version, get more food, wrap gifts, get card, do something with construction debris and moving blankets, figure out where dishes are and wash them.  Etcetera.

Email pops up.  Co-counsel Gordon is stuck in Las Vegas at the airport.  The flight is delayed.  He can't make it in time to cover the deposition set for 1:00.  I have to do it.  Waaaaaaaaaaaah.  At least it is by phone.  But wait.  Have no cel phone.  Lost it day before.  Have to go to office.   Drive.

Deposition starts.  And keeps going and going and going.  Engage in twitter rant with twitter pals.  Here is how it goes.

  • I'm not supposed to be working today. Supposed to be getting ready for alysha's 21 birthday party at our new house.Instead am stuck in dep.
  • Defense lawyer is moving at the pace of a slug. Am going crazy listening to his monotone. Want to shout out: HURRY UP!!! Bite tongue.
  • It is a ponderous, agonizingly slow, repetitive monotone that is driving me bonkers. I have places to go things to do for Pete's sake.
  • @davidsug seriously. The billable hour enables gross waste of time. If they got paid like us based on results - life would be better.
  • @mitchjackson if he was doing this in trial, the entire jury would have fallen asleep by now. Depos should be abolished!
  • @wyzgaonwords envision eyes rolling around, arms and legs twitching and aura of intense frustrated exasperation emanating from my rigid form
  • okay 1 hour 45 minutes and defense lawyer #1 is done. #2 is now starting off by asking THE SAME QUESTIONS already asked. Kill me now.
  • @Nicole1515 @DavidSug we should videotape the defense lawyers, not the witnesses.Maybe if they saw how awful they were, they'd stop.
  • #2 says. Ok have nothing further. Oh, one more thing... and he keeps on going and going. Will no longer be upset. This is my life.

Three hours have been sucked out of OUT OF OFFICE day.  Go for very quick run.  Have to.  Am mad crazed woman.  Need stress relief.    Cristina and Noelle get cupcakes, flowers, disco ball balloon.   Anne has ordered all the Thai Food per list written out during deposition.  It tells Rice & Spice do not deliver until 7:00 and please have it be hot.

By time get home Jon the builder is gone.  Nancy and Gustavo the housecleaners fantastically are done and gone.  Scurry around house in a tizzy.

And then somehow it is time.  Everyone shows up.  Everything is perfect.  It is a family friend filled wonderful evening.  Alysha is 21.  We sing her happy birthday.  She blows out her candles.  Opens her gifts.  And eventually we call it a night.