The beach

I have an hour between meetings.  Rush up to 11th floor.  Toss on red bikini and gold flip flops (hey it’s Miami).  Throw on shorts and black flowy t-shirt thing.  Ipod.  Kindle.  AAJ logo beach bag with computer.  Hat.  Sunglasses.  Rush back down.  Walk under gorgeous canopy of palm trees leading to the pool.  Grab towel.  Traverse crowd on loungers surrounding pool.  Keep walking out through little gate.  Skim across promenade.  Ahhh.  Toes hit fine white warm sand.

Only have an hour so don’t bother with chair guy.  Lay towel down.  Wiggle out of tshirt/shorts. Pop in ipod.  Open kindle – am reading The Help.  Remember clicking through about five pages before dozing off.  Wake up at 2:55. Have meeting at 3:00.  Throw stuff back on.  Bag everything up.  Retrace route back.  Escalator up to third floor.  Enter meeting room.

It is the litigation group chair training session.  Mandatory.  Because I’m co-chairing the new spinal cord injury litigation group (hurrah).  I listen with one ear.  Draft the articles, membership affidavit and application.  Email the finished documents to the staff who are teaching the session.  Put down my computer, listen to them finish up and look around.  Really look around.  Study the dozen or so people in the room.  They are the new litigation group chairs.  Just about the time I’m thinking – hmmm they are all in suits or “business casual.”  I look down at my legs and see there is a nice coat of sand on the left one.  It extends down my entire calf.  Both of the tops of my feet are nice and sandy.

I realize one other thing.  With the exception of Lauren who is AAJ staff, I am the only woman in there.