Dave the Bailiff and Julie the Clerk
Photo: Julie the Clerk. Dave was hanging with the jury.
We meet Dave the Bailiff first. Through emails. We are cooling our heels. Waiting to see if our trial will start on time. Instead of ignoring us, Dave gives us up to date emails. Plus he has a sense of humor.
We are in trial for three weeks. During this time we get to know Dave the Bailiff and his smile even better. But there's someone next to him up on the bench. Julie the Clerk. She seems quiet but it is all an act. She has a droll sense of humor. We like both of them.
Each night after trial we get a special email from Julie. It attaches an updated index of the exhibits. Every night. I've never had a clerk do this before. It is amazing. It is wonderful. Each night can't wait to get the email of exhibits from Julie the Clerk.
So much goes on during trial that could never go on without bailiffs and clerks. Dave and Julie not only get the job done. They go that extra step.