Ride the Ducks Trial Day 32: a chorus of objections

Skype witness Dr. Laukant is from Wisconsin – doctor for Rhonda C the former UPS driver who lives with her wife in Amish country.  We are avoiding calling doctors except for the cases involving surgery.  Here, the defense has denied all of the medical bills and so we need to go through the technical dance of having a primary care provider testify that the referrals were appropriate, the care reasonable and necessary, and the total hip replacement in particular related to the crash. 

In the first minute of testimony, ask if she’s a treating physician for the plaintiff, and Steve Puz objects. 

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Ride the Ducks Trial Day 30: The Hiraokas

Walk up stairs.  See the Hiraoka family.   One year ago took two trips in the space of two months to Japan to visit them.  First trip was a botch job because Scott did not realize you can only take depositions at the US Embassy in Tokyo.  Second trip the deposition went forward in the dingy embassy conference room. 

Dr. John Clark the lay witness is standing with them.   Greet them.  Walk into courtroom. Jesica tells me the interpreter is running late.  Then she tells me that our three witnesses for Tuesday are being stricken.  This is all awesome news first thing on a Monday morning.

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