Posts tagged complaint
Civil rights matter: Seattle peaceful protester complaint gets filed.

Two months ago we filed a dozen tort claims with the city and state. For peaceful protesters who were hurt by the police or in Summer Taylor’s case - killed - while protesting for BLM. We then needed to wait 60 days before filing the suit.

Instead of having down time, we began drafting the complaint. I had the great role of being the boss of all and handed out assignments.

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Beginning the complaint with a bang - the case synopsis

We are changing the way we read.  Short has not just become better.  It has become essential in the quest to capture the attention of our audience.

Pedantic legal writing is no longer highly valued by judges.   With crushing case loads, our Honors need us to get right to the point.  They impose page limits on us.  And even then, will sometimes admit they haven't read our pleadings.

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