Lawyer vs. Lawyer
Photo: The front page of Tuesday's paper taken by Catherine Fleming
June 1, 2016 3:31 PM
Hi Karen, I recently came across your post on "The Velvet Hammer" blog describing purported excerpts from John Henry Browne's emails to you during communications over the lawsuit involving Tracy McNamara. I am interested in speaking with you about this when you have some free time. Please give me a call. Thanks,
Lewis Kamb, Reporter The Seattle Times
June 1, 2016 7:00 PM JHB to VH
So honored you included my in your Blog, so sad you need to promote yourself. The press big time local really wanted to know if you had trademarked your self appointed moniker !!! I gave them the full sad story about you creating your life rather than just living it. They will do a story, expect a call. Reminder you started this. Velvet "Clamor" was not a typo. Best. John.
June 1, 2016 10:01 PM VH to JHB
That blog entry was written because I decline to bear your continued threats and insults in silence.
June 2, 2016 12:21 PM JHB to VH
I hope you take this seriously. It is very sad you need to broadcast your personal angst via a blog. I suggest a journal. This blog makes you look like a fool, and was taken that way by the reporter. I am truly sorry about your Mom we only have one of those. I have a pleading I will send to your registered agent... I don't want to be accused of extorting your firm again. In trial now. Will get pleading to (you) next week. Your blog just makes me look good, thanks John.
June 2, 2016 1:02 PM VH to JHB
You can stop writing insulting emails to me any time now.
June 2, 2016 1:08 PM JHB to VH
No problem, but if you include me in your pathetic blogs, then you start it, get it? Have a nice day. John
June 2, 2016 1:32 PM VH to JHB
You can stop writing insulting emails to me any time now.
And that is how Lewis Kamb's article came to pass.
Further you affiant sayeth not.