Pretty in Pink
Photo: Nala catching some rare Seattle rays on the pink carpet.
Where the heck have I been. Well, I started writing a book. I write it mainly when on airplanes. Decided I wouldn't blog until the book was finished. But then changed my mind.
Since the last time I wrote here, we moved our office three miles down the street. We are in the top floor of a 1970s fishing company building that we bought and are in the process of refurbishing.
My partners were only too happy to let me take on the job of working with the designers/architects to fashion our new offices. Not only did I pick out everything from the kitchen sink to the paint colors and flooring. But since we have moved in I have micromanaged the décor to such a degree that I have literally hung every single painting. I have a level, hammer, and tape measurer in my closet. And haven't created too many extra nail holes. None of my partners were clamoring to do this design work. But instead of feeling put upon or negative in any way, let me tell you - I am absolutely pleased as punch. I totally got my way.
My own office has been spruced up with a giant pop of color. Exhibit A is Nala who happened to get her hair done just before it was time to strike a pose. Hence the pink ribbons that match the pink carpet that match the even more pink chairs. You will gasp with delight when you see how cute this all turned out.
Whenever possible I like to visit with clients and lawyer friends in my office versus a conference room. Have never been a big fan of the "power desk" set up. Where the lawyer sits looking awesome and majestic on one side. The little people on the other. I sit on a ball. Plus there's Nala. So I created a set up pretty much straight out of Mad Men. Now when we have meetings, we sit ensconced in velvet splendor around the coffee table. Under a black art deco chandelier.
We as lawyers spend so much time at work. There's no reason we should not make it all as homey and comfortable as possible.