Where oh Where have you been...!

hoto:  Taken by Cristina Greig on our way back down the Falls River hiking trail in Skamania, WA.

hoto:  Taken by Cristina Greig on our way back down the Falls River hiking trail in Skamania, WA.

K:  Catherine - I just tried to log into the blog and it won't let me.

C:  I'll figure it out.

K:  Thanks

C:  Gently prodding:  you haven't written anything for a while, I've been checking the stats.

K:  Yeah.

C:  So glad you're going to write again.

K:  If I can get into the blog.

A couple more days pass.  Glitch is fixed.  Still haven't written.  Don't feel like it.  It's summer in Seattle.  Enough said.