Drop Dead Diva Rules

Imagine you are a blonde LA model who gushes, chirps and bats her eyes as she sashays through life.  One day you die but up in heaven you brazenly push the return to earth button.  Back down you rocket.

At the same time, a brunette, stout, workaholic trial lawyer named Jane saves her senior partner’s life.  She jumps in front of him just as a crazed former client shoots.  She takes the bullet.  Is on the operating table but it is no use.  She breathes her last breath and in you drop from heaven.    When Jane awakens you are her.  Same ditzy yet caring personality but with a twist.  Now you are unfashionable,  super smart and drive a nice car.

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Karen Koehlerinspiration
Comedians at Law Podcasts with The Velvet Hammer

Once upon a time four young lawyers decided they hated practicing law.  So they became comedians.  Part of their gig involved creating a podcast.  Which they needed content for.

One day one of the comedians, Matt Ritter,  saw that The Velvet Hammer blog was the number one trial practice blog for the ABA.  He thought that was neat.  Called.  And the rest is comedians at law podcast history.

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Karen Koehlerpublic speaking
Deposition of a defense doctor - in concordance or in cahoots!

The insurance company hires two defense doctors to testify.  They don't examine the patient.  Just read the records and come up with opinions.  A nice way for a couch doctor to earn $750 to $1000 per hour.

I take their depositions one after the other.  Dr. 1 is taken at 2:00 and lasts for an hour.  The next is set to start at 3:30.  So what do you think.  Will Dr. 1 and Dr. 2 try to get their story straight in the 15 minutes between the two depositions.  Read on.

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Karen Koehlerdeposition