Deposition of a defendant doctor: a lesson in evasion
Photo: The videographer hanging with me during the lunch break.
The doctor is the defendant. The lesson he has apparently been taught by his lawyers - do not answer questions that they object to. Or at a minimum do your best not to answer those questions.
He has also been taught to look only at the camera and to avoid eye contact with the pesky plaintiff lawyer, i.e. me.
Let's see how this plays out.
17 Q If the nurses note abnormalities, how do you get that
18 information?
19 A If they think it's significant, they report it to us.
20 Q If there is a significant abnormality, do they have a
21 duty to report it to you?
22 MS. E: Objection. Calls for a legal
23 conclusion.
24 A I cannot speak for them.
25 MS. G: Join.
1 Q (BY MS. KOEHLER) Do you expect nurses to report any
2 abnormal condition or symptom to you?
3 A If it's significant.
4 Q How do they know if it's significant or not?
5 A It's their job. I can't speak for them.
6 Q Is a - is it a significant finding if (sorry I have to remove this - just fill in the BLANK with
7 something bad that can happen to the human body)
8 MS. E: Objection. Incomplete hypothetical.
9 MS. G: Join.
10 A Depends.
11 Q (BY MS. KOEHLER) Were you aware - made aware by any
12 nurse at 8:30 p.m. - no; sorry - 8:30 would be a.m.
13 that Plaintiff had BLANK?
15 A No.
16 Q Would that have been a significant finding?
17 MS. E: Objection. Incomplete hypothetical.
18 A Yeah. I can't speak for the nurses.
19 Q (BY MS. KOEHLER) If you don't know whether having
20 BLANK is significant, how would a nurse
21 know that?
22 MS. E: Objection. Argumentative.
23 A Sorry. I don't get that question.
24 Q (BY MS. KOEHLER) Why is it . . . Why is having BLANK
25 not a significant finding?
1 A Who said it's not significant?
2 Q Is it significant?
3 MS. E: Objection. Incomplete hypothetical.
4 A I can't - I can't tell what the nurses saw or wrote.
5 Q (BY MS. KOEHLER) If plaintiff had BLANK, is that a
6 significant finding?
7 A I cannot speak for the nurses. You are asking a
8 hypothetical question.
9 Q I'm asking you as a doctor. If you saw --
10 A As a doctor --
11 Q As a doctor, if you saw BLANK, would you find that
12 to be significant?
13 A Sometimes patients have BLANK that, you know,
14 would come and go, so this would make it insignificant.
15 If it's persistent, it would make it significant.
This charming discussion of ours of course goes on and on. For the entire day. You are seeing only a snippet.
what do you think.
Does not answering questions help a doctor gain credibility.