What happens when we forget to check Trip Advisor before booking a hotel
Photo: the dark, dank room with loud heater box in the corner.
Hotel living is one of the perks of being able to fly to exotic locations (like Portland) for depositions. Here is our email exchange:
From: Karen Koehler
Sent: Tuesday, November 05, 2013 2:26 PM
To: John Meyers; Anne Roberson
Greetings from a crappy hotel in Vancouver! ...
4:01 PM. Anne Roberson:... Is your hotel that bad?
4:06 PM. Karen Koehler: ... Hotel room is not good. The heater is my main worry. It is a very loud fan box. I need to sleep tonite! Now we know
4:07 PM, Anne Roberson: I tried to get you into the Hilton but there was no room at the inn. Can you ask for a different room? Maybe you just got the one with the noisy heater fan.
5:38 PM. Karen Koehler: Never fear. I've slummed it many times before :)! It isn't terrible. I'm just a princess.
5:42 PM. Anne Roberson: Really????????????????????????????????????????? :-)
Which leads me to Trip Advisor. We should have read this first. We would have seen all the complaints with management responding that they no longer are going to be closing the hotel.