The best life story ever

Am going to fall asleep at the wheel driving up to Whistler unless can find something to…keep me awake.   My kids apparently have their own lives and are not coming with me.

Decide to get a book on CD rom.  Have never done this before.  Go to Barnes and Noble.  Grab Steve Jobs biography by Walter Isaacson.  It is very large.  20 CDs.  That should keep my eyes open.

By the time the Whistler trip is successfully over, have made it through seven of the twenty discs.  Since it is a four hour trip both ways plus border wait time, that’s not much progress.

Is it good you wonder?  Have spent the last week and a half impatient to get into the car to listen to more.   Am now  on number 15.  Will probably go into withdrawals when this is over.

Am  absolutely hooked.  Fascinated, intrigued, mesmerized, wickedly delighted with the story of Jobs.

Frank to the point of utter rudeness.  Regardless of who you were.  Autocratic but open to criticism.  Possessing of a cold and unblinking stare.  Crying during business meetings.  Utterly obsessed with the smallest of details.  Fixated always on the ultimate goal. Brilliant.  Petulant.  Madly in love one moment.  Ignoring his beloved the next.  Oh!  The dichotomies.  The dysfunction.  The drama.  All set within the stage of the computer revolution.

You must read (or listen to) it.

Grade A+.