Karen Koehler

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What happens when you work too much?

My kids will tell you that they love that I am so passionate about what I do for a living, and they hope one day they can find a career that they care about as much as I do. But they also say they don't want to be lawyers because I work too much. It doesn't help when I remind them that I didn't start working full time until Noelle the youngest started Kindergarten. Their memories of me when they were little children don't appear to count. Today they are dispersed - at camp, at a summer camp out, and at the pizzeria.

Where am I? On an 80 degree glorious Seattle Saturday? Writing a blog in between answering legal discovery, synthesizing information for a focus group, writing emails, and clearing off my desk. Now I haven't been here the whole time. I took Ed to the airport, met my middle daughter for pancakes, and took Nala to the dog park. But still, here I sit as the clock clicks past 5 pm, on this not entirely comfortable chair, confessing that THIS is what happens when you work too much.