"Trial Practice" disappears from the ABA Journal Blawg 100
Perhaps we are a dying breed.
The American Trial Lawyer.
Those of us who can't wait to get into the courtroom. That great public arena where truth, justice and the occasional lie (by the other side of course) all duke it out.
Oh the highs!
Oh the lows.
For a trial lawyer, being in court is like being in a holy place.
And in the end, after giving our blood, sweat and tears on behalf of our clients; we stand by silently. Hands clasped. Waiting for a judgment that is beyond our control.
This is the third year The Velvet Hammer blog has made the American Bar Association's top 100 law blogs.
The first two years VH won The Trial Practice category. This year, we are in The Litigation category because there is no more Trial Practice category.
A sign of the times...
A sign of the decreasing interest in and celebration of the trial lawyer...
I hope not.
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